Iconic Leaf Cigar Co. has informed its retailers that it will increase the prices it charges for cigars effective Feb. 1, 2023.
For consumers, the company’s Recluse family of brands will increase by approximately $1 per cigar, while the company’s unbanded private label program—called Factory Production Run cigars—will increase by a smaller amount which is more difficult to calculate. Like many other companies, retailers are generally given substantially more discretion for pricing the unbanded private label cigars.
“On all Recluse branded products we have absorbed many production cost increases over the years and in order to catch up with the current cost of production all Recluse branded products will increase,” said the company in a letter to retailers.
It is widely expected that most cigar companies will be increasing prices in or around early 2023, most of which are likely to be announced in the first quarter of the year as that is when most companies traditionally make these announcements. Reasons for these increases include increased costs for tobacco and packaging, increased competition for labor, general inflation, and mirroring competitors’ price adjustments.
The following chart looks at what companies have announced price increases or no price increases for 2023.
Company | Price Increase? |
AJ Fernandez | No |
Alec Bradley | Yes |
All Saints Cigars | Yes |
Battleground | No |
Bellatto Premium Cigars | Yes |
Bocock Brothers | Yes |
Caldwell | Yes |
CLE | Yes |
Crowned Heads | Yes |
Crux | Yes |
D'Crossier | No |
Davidoff | Yes |
Drew Estate | Yes |
Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust | Yes |
E.P. Carrillo | Yes |
Epic | No |
Espinosa Premium Cigars | Yes |
Esteban Carreras | No |
Fable | No |
Favilli | No |
Ferio Tego | No |
Forged Cigar Co. | Yes |
Foundation Cigar Co. | No |
Fuerte y Libre | Yes |
Garo | No |
General Cigar Co. | Yes |
Gran Habano | No |
Habanos S.A. | Yes |
Howard G Cigars | No |
Iconic Leaf | Yes |
Illusione | No |
J.C. Newman | Yes |
Karen Berger | No |
La Flor Dominicana | No |
La Palina | Yes |
La Sirena | No |
Lost&Found | Yes |
Lotus/Vertigo | No |
Luciano Cigars | No |
Maya Selva Cigars | Yes |
Miami Cigar & Co. | No |
My Father Cigars | No |
Oscar Valladares Tobacco & Co. | Yes |
Oveja Negra Brands | No |
Paul Garmirian | Yes |
PDR Cigars | No |
Perdomo | Yes |
Platinum Nova | No |
Plasencia Cigars | Yes |
Powstanie | Yes |
Quality Importers Trading Co. | No |
Rocky Patel | Yes |
Rojas Cigars | Yes |
Sinistro Cigars | Yes |
Southern Draw | No |
Vintage Rock-A-Feller | No |