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Tatuaje CQ2

By 2013, Tatuaje selling a retailer exclusive cigar had almost become old hat after legendary cigars like the Porkchop, Pork Tenderloin, Little Boris and Tobacco…

Tatuaje Escasos HC

While a good portion of this site is about objectively evaluating cigars, I will admit that I love a good subtle nod in the back…

Tatuaje Limited Series Mexican Experiment Robusto (2019)

In 2012, Pete Johnson of Tatuaje decided to venture from his generally Nicaraguan-forward cigar blends and release a cigar with a Mexican San Andrés wrapper,…

Tatuaje ME II Belicoso

Back in 2012, Tatuaje was known for releasing small batches of cigars with little to no warning and even less explanation. That was the case…

Surrogates Eight Baller

This year has been rather quiet when it comes to the L’Atelier brands, notable because in 2018, Pete Johnson announced that he would be merging…

Tatuaje TAA 51th

Fifty firfth? Fifty oneth? Yes, it says 51th; and no, I have no clue how to pronounce it. This year’s the Tobacconist Association of America…

Tatuaje TAA 50th

Peanut butter and jelly, Bert & Ernie, Tatuaje and the TAA. Some things just go together. Since 2011, Pete Johnson has been creating limited edition…

Tatuaje Little Hassell

Earlier this year—and with virtually no fanfare on this website, Instagram or other—a new Tatuaje showed up at stores. While the cigar is new, both…

Tatuaje Anarchy (2010)

While retailer exclusive cigars were not exactly a new concept back in 2010, they were quite a bit more common than retailer exclusive series. One…

Tatuaje Little Boris (2018)

In 2012, Tatuaje shipped a very limited number of cigars named Little Boris to Florida-based Corona Cigar Co. as a store exclusive release. As the moniker…

Tatuaje The Bride

Lets take a walk down memory lane, shall we? All the way back to a simpler time known as 2008, the year the New York Giants…