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Ramón Allones (Cuban)

Ramón Allones Noellas Selected as Italy’s 2020 Edición Regional Release

Italy’s storied collection of Edición Regional releases will get another entry later this year: the Ramón Allones Noellas. And yes, it will come in jars….

Ramón Allones Allones No.2 Edición Limitada 2019 Launching Next Month in the U.K. (Update)

The final Edición Limitada for 2019 will debut next month in the United Kingdom. Hunters & Frankau, the U.K.’s distributor of Cuban cigars, will launch…

Ramón Allones Macedonian (ER Grecia y Chipre 2011)

Those passionate about Cuban cigars will often reference specific times when production was particularly good, releases were notably exciting, or things just seemed to be…

Ramón Allones Phoenicia 40 Announced

Phoenicia T.A.A. Cyprus Ltd. has announced the details for its 40th anniversary cigar—and of no surprise, it will be a Ramón Allones. The Middle Eastern…

Ramón Allones Phoenicio 35 (ER Libano 2015)

You say there’s a new Edición Regional for Phoenicia Trading A.A. that’s heading to Lebanon? Probably a Ramón Allones. And it’s for the company’s 35th anniversary?…

Ramón Allones Nuevo Mundo (ER Costa Rica 2017)

In 2016, Habanos S.A. shipped the Ramón Allones XXL, a 5 9/10 x 54 toro extra that was designated as the Edición Regional release for…

Ramón Allones Sur (ER Libano 2014)

In August 2015, Habanos S.A. shipped the newest Edición Regional release for the country of Lebanon to retailers: the Ramón Allones Sur, a 5 1/2 x 52…

Ramón Allones Silver Jubilee (ER Asia Pacífico 2017)

Sometimes the name of a cigar says nothing about the story behind it, sometimes it says it all, and sometimes it doesn’t quite tell the…

Ramón Allones Hermitage (ER Rusia 2017)

if you’ve ever wanted to get a glimpse of just where cigars are smoked and enjoyed around the world, one decent place to start is…

Ramón Allones Hexagone Arrives in France

France has its second Edición Regional of the year on its shelves, as the Ramón Allones Hexagone Edición Regional Francia is now available throughout the…

Ramón Allones Terra Magica (ER Adriático 2016)

In 1992, Camelot d.o.o was launched and became the first company to sell cigarettes in Croatia. Twenty-five years later, the company has expanded into a…