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Cigar Knives

Böker Plus Cigar Cutter

This cutting option combines a cigar cutter and knife into one product.

Les Fines Lames Adds Dragon Scales Trilogy in Celebration of the Year of the Dragon

The French accessories maker pays tribute to the Year of the Dragon with three new designs for its Le Petit cigar knife.

Les Fines Lames Adds Three Silver Options for Le Petit Cigar Knife

One design incorporates a classic French design, while two pay tribute to tobacco leaves.

Cigar Cutter Knife 8 CM by Lelle Floris

Historical knives are a big business in some parts of the world, so it is not exactly surprising that a company has come up with…

TOPS Knives 208 Clipper Cigar Cutter

Founded in 1998, TOPS Knives currently produces more than 200 different knives that are used not only by the general public, but also members of…

Le Petit by Les Fines Lames

In 2014, Les Fines Lames began as an Indiegogo campaign in 2014 producing piedmont-style folding knives in France. The company—which was founded by Pierre Jourdan, Yann Bouten…

Les Fines Lames Olive Wood Cigar Knife

Founded by Pierre Jourdan, Yann Bouten and Gilles Bailly-Maitre, Les Fines Lames—which translates from French to the thin blade—began as an Indiegogo campaign in 2014 producing piedmont-style folding knives…