Review: Liga Privada T52 Double Corona

When Jonathan Drew of Drew Estate fame told me he was sending me a few samples to smoke and review, I said “awesome, can’t wait!” Inside…

Padrón Family Reserve No. 46

A couple days ago, @tobacconistu (Tobbaconist University) asked people to identify a cigar. I guessed and was correct. Today, David Sanova of Cigar Aficionado confirmed:…

San Lotano from A.J. Fernandez

Miami, FL, 31 July – Cigar Express is pleased to announce the exciting new cigar release San Lotano, a signature blend by A.J. Fernandez. With…

Proposed Habanos S.A. ER 2011 List

Obviously, these won’t be at IPCPR. Note, the following is not complete or final; it also came from a forum – take it for what…

San Cristóbal O’Reilly (2009)

In 2001 Habanos S.A. introduced the Habanos Collection Book Series. It consists of a layout of cigars presented in a special book-shaped humidor. Each year so…

Editorial: The Congressional Cigar Association

The ever-popular liberal-leaning Huffington Post (“HuffPo”) published a story a week ago titled “Congressional Cigar Association is Front for Lobbyists.” It was rather long, and…

Pete Johnson’s IPCPR Offerings (Tatuaje)

Ambos Mundos Grande No. 1 5 1/2 x 56 Habano ($6.25) Ambos Mundos Grande No. 2 5 1/2 x 56 Sumatra ($6.25) Tatuaje Havana VI…

Stanford’s 90th Diamond Crown MAXIMUS

In 2006, the J.C. Newman Company introduced the Stanford’s 90th Diamond Crown Maximus cigar to pay tribute to Stanford Newman, the firm’s reigning icon, who…

Weekly News (July 26, 2010)

It was a pretty quiet week for new cigars with the only major announcement being the La Flor Dominicana Air Bender Chisel, which the world…

Review: Ramón Allones Belicosos (ER Germany 2010)

Continuing with the ever popular Cuban Edición Regional series, Ramón Allones. The first release of the year is a Ramón Allones Belicoso for the Alemania region,…

Lords of England (1920s)

There have been quite a few cigar companies that have gone out of business in the last 200 years especially in Cuba, but even I…