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Topkay Triple Jet Torch

Most of the lighters that get reviewed on halfwheel come from the companies and brands you are likely to find in your local brick and mortar…

Vector Icon II

Whenever I see a new lighter, whether for review or not, I ask myself the same question: what problem does this solve? We’ve clearly mastered…

Visol Ridge

It appears that the cigar industry has its first COVID-19 pandemic-inspired lighter. As the story goes, the Visol Ridge was inspired by observing the experience…

Palió Vesuvio

After being asked what my favorite cigar is, the next most common question is likely what my favorite lighter is. That question is also usually…


The vast majority of lighters that have been reviewed thus far on halfwheel have come from the established names in the cigar accessory market, but every…

S.T.Dupont Megajet

It seems like it wasn’t all that long ago that I had been tasked with reviewing a flat flame lighter and struggled to come up…

Vertigo Cyborg

In the weeks leading up to the Premium Cigar Association’s annual convention and trade show, we get a lot of product announcements. Most of them…

JetLine Jetmaster

A good number of the emails and messages that we receive have to do with asking for a recommendation on something cigar-related. I know that…

XIKAR Meridian

Start up a discussion about lighters and utter the phrase triple flame, and it would seem that almost without fail, the visual in everyone’s head would…

JetLine Avalanche

As cigars have gotten bigger, so too have the lighters used to set them ablaze. While triple flame lighters have generally been the biggest you…

Vector Maxtech

At some point over the last 18 months or so, a new segment emerged within the cigar lighter market, though it doesn’t seem like there’s…