Portraits: Frank Herrera
In December 2010, if you had told me that this portrait, shot in this location was going to happen, I would have laughed and told…
Redux: La Caridad del Cobre Javelin Maduro
Last year, after the conclusion of Lancero50, I reviewed a prerelease version of the newest La Caridad del Cobre, the Javelin Maduro. The Javelin was…
Weekly News (January 30, 2012)
Editor’s Note: And it was supposed to be a slow week in the cigar world. What seemed destined to be a rather quiet week turned…
La Caridad del Cobre Parent Rebrands as Herrera Cigars
Frank Herrera, owner of La Caridad del Cobre and CigarLaw.com, has rebranded his parent company as Herrera Cigars. Herrera explained the move was largely about making…
Review: La Caridad Del Cobre Javelin (Prerelease)
Never heard of La Caridad Del Cobre Cigars? You are probably not alone. This small boutique brand is owned by Frank Herrera a Miami based…
Review: La Caridad del Cobre Javelin
Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in. One Corona out from a half century worth of Lanceros, and here is…
Weekly News (June 20, 2011)
Editor’s Note: Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of TheCigarFeed. While I’ve already reflected on one year and the future, I guess I’ll reflect on this…
Weekly News (May 2, 2011)
Late cigar news is better than no cigar news? Apologies, it’s been a hectic day, shouldn’t happen again. Now for things you care about… A…
Weekly News (April 25, 2011)
It hasn’t been the same sort of week as last week in regard to new releases, but there’s still quite a bit of cigar news….
State of the Brand: Tatuaje
It’s unlikely that there will be a day three installment of this one… but for now here is day two. Pete Johnson, owner of Tatuaje,…
Weekly News (December 13, 2010)
Apologies for the lack of reviews recently, things have been hectic, but normalcy should return this week. As a few of you know, I was…