Press Relase: Trinidad 40th Anniversary Humidor

December 6, 2010 — Habanos, S.A. is proud to present the Trinidad Humidor specially conceived to mark the 40th anniversary of the brand. Made of cedar and majagua with its characteristic green colour, and reproducing the brand logo on the top made of precious Cuban woods, this case is a masterpiece that has resulted from the expert hands and great skill of Cuban craftsmen.

Press Release: Changes at Miami Cigar & Co.

Miami, FL, 6 December…In the first of a series of important changes, Rene J. Castaneda, Vice President of Miami Cigar & Company, announced that he…

601 Edición Limitada 2010 “Macho”

This fall brought news of a brand new limited edition 601 cigar. The details in the beginning were a bit sketchy but after a few…

Cain F Lancero (Prerelease)

(Editor’s Note: You can read Charlie’s review of the Cain F Lancero here.) Last year, rumors started circulating that there would be a couple of…

Editorial: Minneapolis Smoking Ban

Minnesota passed the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act in 1975. Fast forward pretty much thirty years. In 2005, St. Paul’s City Councilman Dave Thune proposed a smoking ban and two years later it passed. In the time in between, Minneapolis and a host of other cities passed smoking bans. This led state lawmakers to pass the Freedom to Breathe Act in 2007 amending the 1975 legislation by placing much more restrictions on the consumption and sales of tobacco products. There are two main contentions of the act being debated, the use of “sampling” and where smoking is allowed. The Freedom to Breathe Act does not limit smoking in the following areas:

Miscellaneous: Boxes of Cigars

So, I was looking at my (seven) Vinotemps the other day, and realized it had been a while since I had taken stock of my…

Tatuaje Anarchy (Prerelease)

In early 2010 the hype drums started rumbling about an exclusive Tatuaje cigar dubbed Anarchy. No details were given about who was behind the project, but what was known was that it wasn’t Pete Johnson himself behind the marketing of the project; he was only part of the blending process. It was most likely a store owner celebrating an anniversary but that was all we knew. Well less than 2 weeks ago that mystery was solved….

Viaje Holiday Blend 2010

As per Andre Farkas’ Facebook account some more info has leaked about the 2010 Holiday Blend. Well… sort of. It’s the same blend as 2009…

Weekly News (November 29, 2010)

The Tatuaje Anarchy went on pre-order at Smoke Inn this past Friday, orders should start arriving around December 10th. Alec Bradley gave out more information…

Miscellaneous: Thanksgiving Rare Cigars (2010)

Last year, I started a cool event that I hoped I could continue, I was thinking last year that most of us are always waiting…

Partagás Serie D No.1 (EL 2004)

Today we are smoking a very special cigar by my absolute favorite Cuban cigar brand. A lot of Edición Limitadas have gotten a bad rap simply…