While most of the new Cuban cigars announced today during the Habanos World Days virtual event are limited edition cigars, there were a couple of new regular production items unveiled.
This year marks the 55th anniversary of Cohiba and Habanos S.A. is celebrating with a variety of new Cohibas, including—at least—one new regular production size: Cohiba Ambar.
The Cohiba Ambar measures 5 1/5 (132mm) x 53, a vitola known as placeres. Not much else is known about the release, though it will be sold in boxes of 10.
An alleged release list for 2021 that leaked last summer showed the Ambar would be offered in tubos, that does not appear to be the case given the press photos distributed by Habanos S.A.
The company has also announced that there will be another spin-off of the popular Montecristo Edmundo, specifically, the Wide Edmundo. It measures 4 11/12 (125mm) x 54, a vitola Habanos S.A. is calling the Duke No. 3.
It will be offered in boxes of 10 and 25, including in tubos, though Habanos S.A. has not shown off images of the tubos.