Davidoff’s newest cigar will be centered around the Yamasá region of the Dominican Republic.
While the company is still declining to talk most details about the new project—including the cigar’s name—it has provided blends details of its new line, which is expected to launch at next month’s IPCPR Convention & Trade Show.
It will use a wrapper from Yamasá, San Vicente binder from Yamasá and filler tobaccos from Condega and Estelí, Nicaragua as well as Dominican piloto and mejorado tobaccos.
Yamasá is located in the central area of the country, 20 miles north of Santo Domingo.
The new cigar is expected to become part of the company’s Discovery Pillar, which features the black-banded cigars such as Davidoff Nicaragua and Davidoff Escurio.
Davidoff is the official sponsor of halfwheel's coverage of the 2016 IPCPR Convention & Trade Show.