Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition
Eleven years ago, Davidoff entered a new chapter of its storied history, embracing Nicaragua and its tobacco. Ten years later, the company celebrated that event with a cigar; now that cigar gets a revisit.
262 Cigars Getting Dressed to The Nines for New Limited Edition
It’s been five years since Madison Money acquired 262 Cigars, which calls for a celebratory limited edition. The cigar’s name is inspired by several things, including a previous limited edition for the brand’s fifth anniversary.
New Toscano Brenta is First to Use Air-Cured Tobacco
The Toscano Brenta is made entirely of habano-seed tobaccos grown in Italy that were air-cured instead of fire-cured. Unlike a traditional Toscano cigar, the Brenta must be stored in humidors.
ADVentura The Royal Return King’s Gold Gets Two New Vitolas
One is a small 4 x 44 box-pressed petit corona, the other is a 6 x 60. Both sizes have arrived at the company’s U.S. distributor and will soon be on store shelves.
Weekly News (Aug. 26, 2024)
The news, reviews and more of the past week.