Alec Bradley’s Reclaimed Cigar Mold Sampler Heads to Stores
The seven-cigar sampler is packaged in an old cigar mold that has been modified to hold the cigars. In addition, the cigars in the sampler are all new sizes for their respective blends.
Sinistro Releases 2022 Installment of NV
Sinistro has begun shipping its high end, limited edition, which is now in its second year.
Tatuaje Delays New PCA & TAA Exclusives Until January
Fans of Tatuaje will have to wait until the new year for these two new limited editions.
La Flor Dominicana to Ship Solis Next Week
Litto Gomez Jr.’s first cigar will be on store shelves in the coming days.
E.P. Carrillo Ships Allegiance
The new line heads to stores, and we now know what the four vitolas are named.