Quesada Reserva Privada Churchill
Federal Cigar has a long history of releasing exclusive cigars to commemorate its various anniversaries, and one of the latest came from Quesada Cigars. The…
Massive New Mexico Tax Increase Defeated
A bill in Mexico that would have tripled the state’s tax on cigars has been defeated. The New Mexico House Taxation and Revenue Committee voted against…
Federal Lands Quesada Reserva Privada Lonsdales
In addition to the Quesada Reserva Privada Churchill, Federal Cigar received a pair of exclusive Reserva Privada releases in the form of a lonsdale vitola. The…
LUJ Luxury Cigars Announces Third Release of Edida
LUJ Luxury Cigars has announced plans to release the third installment of its Edida line next week, a line that traces back to its first…
Scandinavian Tobacco Group Announces 2016 Financial Report, Proposes Dividend
It’s been a little more than a year since Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) went public and today the company announced its fiscal numbers for its first…