Davidoff Adding New Las Vegas Cigar Bar
The Davidoff retail expansion plan in the U.S. has another new location, although it’s in a rather familiar area. Las Vegas will be getting another…
PDR Cigars Hires Robbie Streitz as National Sales Manager
Abe Flores has announced that he has hired a new national sales manager for PDR Cigars, Robbie Streitz. “I’m extremely happy with my choice for…
A.J. Fernandez New World Brute
As part of the build-up to the incredibly popular Texas Cigar Fest held this past April, A.J. Fernandez and Serious Cigars announced a new regular…
Smoking Now Banned in Nelsonville, Ohio Parks
A parks smoking ban has come to Nelsonville, Ohio, as the city council voted in favor of it on Monday. While the city has not…