Quesada 50th Anniversary Toro Prensado
This year mark a significant anniversary for Quesada Cigars: the company celebrated 50 years in the cigar business. As would be expected, the Dominican cigar manufacturer released a limited edition cigar line to commemorate the occasion.
Manolo Quesada 75th Anniversary Limited Edition
In 2022, Manuel “Manolo” Quesada Jr. celebrated his 75th birthday, a celebration that included the release of a new limited-edition cigar. After receiving just over 18 months of rest, and approaching the two-year-mark since its release, it’s time to revisit the double corona that celebrated the noted cigarmaker’s birthday.
Casa Magna Colorado Lancero (2023)
Don’t call it a comeback.
Casa Magna XV Anniversary
It’s been 15 years since the Quesadas surprised the cigar world with a Nicaraguan puro known as Casa Magna. To celebrate, the family made a limited edition anniversary cigar.
Manolo Quesada 75th Anniversary Limited Edition
Manuel “Manolo” Quesada Jr. turned 75 years old in 2022, which calls for a new limited edition cigar.
Casa Magna Connecticut Toro
Nearly 15 years since the first release, the Casa Magna brand grows again with a Dominican-made line that uses an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper to create one of the lighter profiles in the line.
Quesada Oktoberfest 2022 The Bavarian
Quesda’s Oktoberfest line continues this year with four different additions, making it one of the longest-running series of cigars in the company’s portfolio.
Casa Magna Liga F Churchill
It has been six months since I originally reviewed the Casa Magna Liga F Churchill, a cigar made up of Ecuadorian sun grown corojo wrapper covering a Dominican binder and filler tobaccos from both the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
Casa Magna Liga F Churchill
In 2008, Quesada released a new regular production line named Casa Magna Colorado, which included Nicaraguan tobacco from the Estelí and Jalapa growing regions. Over…
Quesada BBQ Pig
There are brands like J.C. Newman’s Quorum that sells millions of cigars annually and more or less never gets talked about, especially on websites like…
Quesada 1974 Lancero
When a cigar has a year in its name, it’s usually the sign that it’s going to be a fairly decent smoke since that cigar…