Smoke Inn Confirms Second Anarchy Release, Tatuaje Apocolapyse
For the past few weeks, rumors of a second release of the Tatuaje Anarchy have been floating around. Today, a newly relaunched website contained information…
Tatuaje Anarchy (Prerelease)
In early 2010 the hype drums started rumbling about an exclusive Tatuaje cigar dubbed Anarchy. No details were given about who was behind the project, but what was known was that it wasn’t Pete Johnson himself behind the marketing of the project; he was only part of the blending process. It was most likely a store owner celebrating an anniversary but that was all we knew. Well less than 2 weeks ago that mystery was solved….
Weekly News (November 29, 2010)
The Tatuaje Anarchy went on pre-order at Smoke Inn this past Friday, orders should start arriving around December 10th. Alec Bradley gave out more information…
Weekly News (November 22, 2010)
It’s been a quietly busy week. The big news, the Tatuaje Anarchy launched. It’s a pigtailed Figurado that measures a 6 1/8 x 48-52 in…
Tatuaje Anarchy
The Tatuaje Anarchy is set to be the next exclusive Tatuaje, unless of course Pete releases something between now and Dec. 10. The cigars will…
Weekly News (November 1, 2010)
Hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween weekends. Instead of candy, I had Padrón weekend. The annual release of the Oliva Serie V Maduro hit stores this…
Trademarks 2010
Don’t worry Frank Herrera… I’m not going to become a trademark attorney anytime soon. I did however get bored last night (4 AMish) and decided…
Weekly News (September 6, 2010)
I guess my excuse for this being late is that it’s Labor Day, so I took some time off. The big news of the week…