Patina Cigars has announced plans to release its first lancero cigar, with a new blend and an as-yet unreleased name.
On Wednesday, Mo Maali, owner of Patina, posted about the cigar on Instagram, noting that the cigar uses an Ecuadorian habano-seed oscuro wrapper, an Ecuadorian-grown Sumatra binder, and fillers from the United States and Nicaragua. It will be offered in a 7 x 40 vitola, with 100 boxes of 20 cigars produced for the first batch.
The cigar is made at Nicaragua American Cigars S.A. (NACSA) in Estelí, Nicaragua. Pricing has not yet been finalized for the cigar, though Maali said that he expects it to be about $14 per cigar. He is planning to release the cigar in either December or January, with three more sizes on the way: a 5 x 54 robusto gordo, a 6 1/4 x 54 toro gordo, and a 6 x 52 toro.
Update (Sept. 7, 2023) — Mo Maali disclosed the factory making the new line, as well as estimated pricing for the lancero and the three additional sizes that will be part of the line.