Nicaragua Cigar Distributors, maker of Santiago Cigars, is introducing the Double Shot, which is being called the first energy infused cigar to hit the premium and mass markets.
Double Shot employs FDA approved food grade components to deliver an energy boost to your system while smoking the cigar, according to a statement issued by the company. “Think of it like Red Bull in a cigar format,” said Roberto Lopez, owner of Double Shot Cigars.
The company says that when smoking the cigar, it takes a few minutes for the compounds to kick in through sublingual routes, but when it does it provides a pleasant boost in awareness like an energy drink.
The version that will target the premium cigar market uses an Ecuadorian habano wrapper over Nicaraguan binder and fillers, and will be offered in four sizes, 4 1/2 x 46, 5 x 50, 5 1/2 x 48 and 6 x 52, each priced between $7.50 and $8.50 per cigar. Each cigar will come in its own tube, which are in turn packed 20 to a box.
For the mass market segment, a short filler version is being produced in a 4 3/16 x 32 cigarillo size that will be available both in 20-count bundles and sealed packages containing two cigars. That size is priced between $1.50 and $1.70 per cigar.
Double Shot is being released at the 2016 IPCPR Convention & Trade Show, which runs July 25-28 in Las Vegas. The company has also announced plans to add mint and vanilla versions in the near future.