Two new Cuban cigars have arrived in Switzerland.
One is the Swiss regional for 2016, the other is a new regular production offering.
Urs Portmann, a Swiss retailer, announced that it—along with other Habanos Specialists in the country—received the Juan López Eminentes last Friday. It measures 6 1/2 (164mm) x 54, the sublimes size that has been used for Cohiba and Montecristo Edición Limitadas in 2004 and 2008 respectively.
There are 6,000 numbered boxes of 10 priced at 240 CHF per box ($236.93).
While Habanos S.A. is shipping a variety of regionals, including cigars part of the 2015 program, this is part of the 2016 Edición Regional program.
Additionally, the H. Upmann Magnum 54, a 4 3/4 x 54 robusto extra, has also arrived in Switzerland. Retailers in Canada stated they received the cigar earlier this year. It is a regular production extension to the H. Upmann line.
Pricing in Switzerland is 280 CHF per box of 25, roughly $11 per cigar.
Intertabak AG is the Swiss distributor of Cuban cigars.