Founders Cigar Co. is giving its cigars a new look, and most of them are now being made at a different factory.
The company has shifted production of the bulk of its cigars to Tabacalera Las Lavas S.R.L. in the Dominican Republic, the factory that is best known for being the home of Casa Cuevas. The company’s Signature Dual Wrap, Franklin Connecticut, Douglass Habano and Roosevelt Maduro are the lines moving to Las Lavas, while the Hamilton Candela is remaining at MJ Frias Cigar SRL, which produced the other cigars prior to the move.
Moving to Tabacalera Las Lavas gives the company greater access to quality tobaccos and deeper involvement in the blending process, according to a press release.
All five lines are offered in the same two sizes and at the same two prices, a 5 x 50 robusto priced at $9 and a 6 x 52 toro priced at $10. As part of the changes, the company is changing its box counts, moving from 25-count boxes after previously offering their cigars in 20-count packaging.
“We’re pumped for this next chapter in the Founders story and couldn’t be happier than to have the knowledge, quality, and expertise from a factory as reputable as the one we’ve chosen,” said Angelo Fraboni, co-founder of Founders Cigars, via a press release. “Luis and Alec Cuevas were incredibly generous last year sharing with us the knowledge they have gained over the years growing their own brand. Working with them now as a factory has been incredible to dive into the factory process and learn from such a storied family.”
As for the packaging, the company noted that it incorporates dynamic coloring, deeper historical references, and clear and concise imagery. The new look was designed by Humberto Arias of Cigar Package Design.
The updated cigars will be on display at the 2023 PCA Convention & Trade Show in July, and will begin shipping to stores following the show.
Images courtesy of Founders Cigar Co.