Add Davidus Cigars to the list of retailers participating in the Davidoff Anniversary Exclusive program for 2016. The big difference between the Maryland retailer and most the others? Its cigar is already out.
Last Friday the store put the Davidoff Davidus Cigars 20th Anniversary Exclusive on sale. As with the rest of the retailer anniversary program, Davidus Cigars was eligible to participate because it is a Davidoff appointed merchant and was celebrating a major anniversary.
It along with the rest of the retailers that chose to participate this year were able to select one of five blends produced in a 6 x 52 belicoso size, the vitola Davidoff is using for this year’s program. For its blend, Davidus Cigars chose an Ecuadorian Connecticut-seed rojiza wrapper over a Dominican binder and Dominican fillers.
It opted for 400 boxes of 10 cigars, a bit more than the 300 boxes Davidoff requires at a minimum.
Davidus has priced the cigars at $21.99 per cigar or $200 per box.
So far, Cigars International and JR Cigar have announced their Davidoff Anniversary Exclusives, although there are more to be released in coming weeks.
Davidus operates 11 stores in the state of Maryland.