Later this year, the largest Davidoff-branded store will open in Tampa, Fla. and as with the rest of its new stores, there will be an exclusive cigar.

Davidoff Tampa Exclusive Cigars

For Tampa, the cigar is a 6 x 52 belicoso with an Ecuadorian Connecticut Rojiza wrapper over Dominican binder and fillers. The Davidoff Tampa Exclusive will be limited to 300 boxes of 10 cigars with pricing set at $25 per cigar.

Davidoff of Geneva Tampa Cigar Bar 3

The Tampa store, located in MetWest International Retail Village, is a franchise location owned by Jeff and Tanya Borysiewicz of Corona Cigar Co. The new space will feature over 5,000-square-feet of humidified space, as well as indoor and outdoor lounges. As with Corona Cigar Co. locations, the Tampa store will also have a bar with an extensive bourbon program including single barrel whiskey and pre-embargo rum.

A spokesperson for Davidoff told halfwheel the store is now expected to open mid-December. The cigar will formally debut at the Ybor City Cigar Festival on Nov. 7.

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Charlie Minato

I am an editor and co-founder of Media, LLC. I previously co-founded and published TheCigarFeed, one of the two predecessors of halfwheel. I have written about the cigar industry for more than a decade, covering everything from product launches to regulation to M&A. In addition, I handle a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff here at halfwheel. I enjoy playing tennis, watching boxing, falling asleep to the Le Mans 24, wearing sweatshirts year-round and eating gyros. echte liebe.