Davidoff’s trend of smaller sizes and its popular Nicaragua line are coming together for Davidoff Nicaragua Mini Cigarillos.
Despite its name and the packaging, the blend is not identical to the Davidoff Nicaragua, although it uses Nicaraguan tobacco including a habano-seed wrapper from Jalapa and Nicaraguan tobaccos in the filler. In addition, the blend uses a Sumatra binder and Dominican fillers.
“This exciting new Nicaraguan Mini Cigarillo is geared to delight aficionados who are searching for more intense and flavorful experiences,” said Charles Awad, svp of global marketing & innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG, in a press release. “Being time poor and experience rich is possible, even in a 5 minute escape during a hectic day.”
The Mini Cigarillos measure 3 5/16 x 20, smaller than the Nicaragua Primeros the company introduced last year. Pricing is set at $19.90 per box of 20. The company says they will begin shipping in July.