LUJ Luxury Cigars has announced the arrival of a new store exclusive for The Wolfhound Cigar Lounge in Wheaton, Ill., the aptly named The Wolfhound by LUJ.
The cigar uses a Nicaraguan wrapper, Brazilian binder, and fillers from Pennsylvania, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic, with production handled by Tabacalera El Artista in the Dominican Republic. It is being offered in two sizes, a 5 x 54 robusto priced at $12.95, and a 6 x 54 toro priced at $14, with just 60 boxes of 10 cigars produced for each size.
Luj Oluyeba calls the Wolfhound “a deconstructed Kuro, similar profile without the spiciness and a lot less body than the Kuro.”
The LUJ Kuro was launched at the 2015 IPCPR Convention & Trade Show. Its blend has not been disclosed, but on its website the company describes it as “a dark, oily and very aromatic masterpiece, intended to be an outstanding premium cigar, instead, it redefines the total experience expectations of a premium luxury cigar.” It is available in three regular production sizes, a perfecto (5 x 58), 00 (“double zero,” 7 x 47) and toro (6 1/2 x 54), with production handled by an unnamed factory in the Dominican Republic.
A 6 x 46 corona gorda was added in early 2016 as a store exclusive for Smokin Joe’s in Alcoa, Tenn.
The cigars were delivered to the store yesterday, according to Oluyeba.
Photo courtesy of Luj Oluyeba.