Beginning today, Ventura Cigar Co. will become a standalone unit as part of the larger Kretek International business.
Ventura’s salesforce—currently seven outside sales representatives with plans for two more—will now focus solely on selling the company’s premium cigar brands such as Archetype, PSyKo Seven and Case Study.
Previously, those sales representatives were allowed to sell other products that were part of the larger Phillips & King portfolio. Kretek International also owns Phillips & King, a large tobacco distributor that holds the U.S. rights to brands such as Djarum and Djeep, it also distributes other company’s products including most of the larger U.S. premium cigar brands.
While most accounts ordering Ventura Cigar Co. products will be transitioned over to a direct account with Ventura, Phillips & King will offer Ventura products as part of its distribution portfolio, however, the company is stressing pricing will be lowest if ordered directly from Ventura.