Chinese New Year is less than two months away and as such, a handful of cigar brands are releasing their special edition cigars to commemorate the event.
VegaFina is once again producing a cigar for the occasion, appropriately titled the VegaFina Year of the Pig. The cigar is a 5 1/2 x 56 parejo featuring a pigtail cap, a nod to next year’s representation of the Chinese zodiac calendar.
Blend-wise, the cigar uses a habano 2000 wrapper over a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers.
As with most of the Chinese New Year-themed releases, the packaging is red with gold accents.
While it will be sold outside of China, like most VegaFina releases the cigar will not be sold in the U.S. market. Pricing in Spain has been set at €8 ($9.11).
This is the second consecutive year the VegaFina brand has released a cigar for Chinese New Year.