Sinistro Cigars is giving its newest release, The Barbarian, a limited release this month ahead of a full production release in 2022.
The cigar uses a Dominican maduro wrapper, African Cameroon binder, and a ligero-forward blend, using that priming from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Pennsylvania, as well as Nicaraguan seco. It is being offered in two sizes:
- The Last Barbarian Robusto (5 x 52) — $10 (Bundles of 10, $100)
- The Last Barbarian Toro (6 x 50) — $12 (Bundles of 10, $120)
The cigars are being made at Tabacalera El Artista in the Dominican Republic, which Sinistro had previously worked with for part of its La Fabrica Series. The first batch is limited to 4,000 cigars for each size and will be available to all Sinistro retailers, with shipping to begin near the end of June.
A full release is planned for 2022, tentatively towards the middle part of the year. When that happens, the cigars will shift out of bundles and into a more traditional box format.