Scrim by HutcH Studio has added a new handle made of real stabilized abalone to its portfolio of customized cigar cutters.
Abalone is a type of shellfish that is best known for its unique inside shell, often referred to as being pearlescent. In addition to the meat of the abalone being edible, the shells are coveted for their strength and beauty, and are used to make a number of things from pens and jewelry to the decorative inlays on guitars.
As with his other cutters, Rick Hutchings uses the body of a XIKAR Xi3 cigar cutter and then adds on handles made from a unique material. His other offerings include mammoth ivory, buffalo horn, and bourbon barrel wood, among others. Hutchings is also known for his scrim work on cutter handles, which have included collections dedicated to movies, big game hunting, and more.
In the case of the abalone handles, they are made from three individual layers that are stabilized to form 6mm handles. They are available on either a stainless steel or black chrome body, both of which come with a hand sewn black leather pouch to prevent damage. Each is priced at $300 and can be ordered directly via Scrim by HutcH Studio.
Photos courtesy of Scrim by HutcH Studio.