As part of its return to the cigar industry, Reinado Cigars has announced that it now has an exclusive U.S. distribution partner, SZ Wholesale.
Located in Bensalem, Pa., SZ Wholesale is a wholesaler for a number of premium cigar brands, as well as cigar accessory companies. Antonio Lam, founder of Reinado Cigars, said he feels strongly about the benefits that the relationship between the two companies will bring.
“It is time for our brand to take the next step in its growth cycle and we feel that SZ Wholesale shares the same mindset and synergy which we have been looking for,” Lam said via a press release. It will also help as the company expands its portfolio, as Lam said he has several new blends and lines in the works.
“Antonio and I share the common goal of providing our customers with outstanding value,” said Sahil Ambani, president of SZ Wholesale’s, in a press release, who called it “a natural partnership for us.”
Reinado Cigars was launched in 2009, but Lam was forced to put the company on hiatus towards the end of 2014 while he cared for his father, who had been diagnosed with dementia. The first cigar that Lam released following the company’s return to the industry is called the Grand Apex and is dedicated to his father’s honor. Reinado Cigars donates a portion of the proceeds from sales of the Grand Apex line to the Dementia Society of America.