If your cigar collection is growing and in need of some larger-format storage options, Quality Importers has a pair of new Humidor Supreme electronic cabinet humidors that can hold up to 2,500 cigars.
The HS-9000 is the double-door version, measuring 75.6 x 24.4 x 27 inches, which offers a capacity between 2,000-2,500 cigars, and comes with an MSRP of $3,799.99. The HS-9100 is a smaller, single-door option, measuring 49.6 x 24.2 x 22.8 inches and offering a capacity of between 1,000-1,500 cigars. It has an MSRP of $2,999.99.
Humidification is controlled via an intuitive digital panel, which ties into a large, easily accessible water reservoir and a self-regulating air-cooling circulation system. The company says that maintenance is minimal for the humidification system, with the tank needing a simple cleaning once every two months and refills with distilled water.
Both models offer Spanish cedar pull-out drawers for storing single cigars, while boxes can be placed on the pull-out shelves. They each use double-pane, UV-protected glass doors, interior LED lighting, a lock-and-key set, recessed handles, and adjustable leveling feet.
“The best thing about these electronic humidors is that the cigar smoker has more time to enjoy their cigars than ever before—no hassle, no mess, it’s easy to install and maintain,” said Jimmy Miudo, executive vice president of product design, sourcing, and business intelligence for Quality Importers. “Add water to mid-level, set it, and clean it every other month; it’s that simple.”
Both models are available for purchase now through Quality Importers Trading Co.
Image courtesy of Quality Importers Trading Co.