Les Fines Lames, the French company known for its cigar knives, has added a pair of cigar cases to its growing product line.
As the names suggest, the Duo cigar case ($125/€125) can hold up to two 64-ring gauge cigars, while the Trio ($145/€145) can accommodate three cigars of the same size. Both models are now on sale.
“With the addition of cigar cases to the LES FINES LAMES range of accessories, we’ve rounded off our offering to accompany aficionados at every step of the smoking ritual, with our own special touch,” said Pierre Jourdan, founder of Les Fines Lames, in a press release.
There are four different color options available for each case: Black/Black, Blue/Black, Brown/Black OD Green/Black and Yellow/Black. According to a press release, the top portion, which is the colored section, is made of genuine pebble-textured leather while the bottom section is full-grain black leather.