Attendees of the upcoming Procigar Festival in the Dominican Republic will have a chance to add a one-of-a-kind humidor and selection of cigars to their collection, as Davidoff Cigars has announced that it will be contributing a Year of the Rat Masterpiece humidor to the festival’s charity auction.
The item draws on a number of themes for its design that celebrates the Year of the Rat; the lid is coated in red lacquer that features a round gold-plated plaque representing the symbol of the rat. Much like on the retail box, the humidor features two golden nobs, which facilitate the opening and closing of the humidor.
Inside the humidor there is an emblem crafted with gemstones, with each layer associated with a color that symbolizes the qualities of the rat: bright, optimistic and energetic. In a press release, the company explained that the green and the blue represent the lucky colors of the rat, with the blue portion crafted from Larimar stones, a rare blue variety of the silicate mineral pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic. Its coloration varies from white, light-blue, green-blue to deep blue.
The humidor also includes accessories, namely a Davidoff Jetflame lighter and a Davidoff double blade cutter engraved with the year of the rat pattern, which are stored in a drawer lined with light brown leather. All the gold parts of the humidor are plated with gold 5 micro.
The humidor was crafted for Davidoff by the French luxury craft company Moveus, which is known for its mastery of woodworking, marquetry and varnishes.
Inside the humidor are a master blender’s selection of 88 of Davidoff’s Year of the Rat cigars. As with the cigars that have appeared at retailers, this cigar is a toro vitola that measures 6 x 52 and uses an Ecuadorian habano wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and Dominican fillers. They have been arranged on a tray engraved with the rat symbol, while the number 88 symbolizes fortune and good luck in Chinese and Mandarin culture.
This year’s Procigar charity auction, scheduled for Feb. 21, will be raising funds to benefits two different organizations that provide assistance to children and the elderly, the Voluntariado de Jesús con los Niños and the Hospicio San Vicente de Paul. The festival has also established a new initiative called “a home for my family,” which is based on restructuring the property of those employees of the organization’s member companies that have very low housing resources. This initiative is being undertaken to validate the company’s gratitude towards its employees and return of efforts to those who do the same for the cigar industry.
All images © Oettinger Davidoff AG 2020. Used with permission.