Sin Compromiso Selección No. 4
When Sin Compromiso debuted in 2019, it was missing a robusto, one of the most common sizes in the cigar industry. Five years later, the line added one after Steve Saka found just the right tweaks to make so he could release one without compromising on the line’s name.
Southern Draw Shows Off New Packaging and Sizes for Morning Glory and Evening Primrose
The two lines are getting new “dancing shoes” the company said in posts on social media. As part of the update, the two lines are also getting three new vitolas that stemmed from retailer requests.
La Colmena 10th Anniversary Shipping This Week
This is the final part of Warped’s “10th Anniversary” trilogy. The new 5 7/8 x 50 size uses an “amped” filler blend compared to the No. 44.