Another very popular consumer-oriented event has fallen victim to the COVID-19 pandemic, as Cigars International has decided to cancel CIGARfest 2020.

The event had originally been scheduled for May, but was postponed until Oct. 16-17 after initial concerns over the viability of the event amidst the pandemic. Pennsylvania state policies regarding large events have also made the event no longer viable, according to a press release.

“After much deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to cancel CIGARfest this year,” said Sarah Santos, president of Cigars International, via a press release. “While it was a tough call to make, we needed to consider the expected state regulations and prioritize the health and safety of all who participate in the CIGARfest event. We are deeply disappointed because CIGARfest is an exciting weekend of comradery amongst old and new friends alike and a highlight on the calendar for many. We would like to thank our customers, vendors and members of the cigar community for their continued support. We look forward to resuming the event next year, better than ever.”

The retailer said that ticket holders have been contacted by its customer service team, with the option of receiving a refund of transferring their tickets to CIGARfest 2021.

CIGARfest was launched in 2003 and draws upward of 6,000 adult consumers to Split Rock, Penn. for a weekend of cigars, food, drink, entertainment and camaraderie. The store said that event has helped it raise tens of thousands of dollars for charitable organizations including Cigars for Warriors, which supplies cigars to actively-deployed military personnel and veterans; as well as LifePath, an organization that serves individuals and families impacted by behavioral health, intellectual or developmental challenges in the state of Pennsylvania.

Image courtesy of Cigars International.

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Patrick Lagreid

I strive to capture the essence of a cigar and the people behind them in my work – every cigar you light up is the culmination of the work of countless people and often represents generations of struggle and stories. For me, it’s about so much more than the cigar – it’s about the story behind it, the experience of enjoying the work of artisans and the way that a good cigar can bring people together. In addition to my work with halfwheel, I’m the public address announcer for the Colorado Rockies and Arizona Diamondbacks during spring training, as well as for the Salt River Rafters of the Arizona Fall League, the WNBA's Phoenix Mercury and previously the Arizona Rattlers of the Indoor Football League. I also work in a number of roles for Major League Baseball, plus I'm a voice over artist. Prior to joining halfwheel, I covered the Phoenix and national cigar scene for, and was an editor for Cigar Snob magazine.