The collection of cigars released by online cigar community Cigar Dojo continues to grow, as today it was announced that they have been working with Alec & Bradley Rubin on a new cigar called Uru Doshi that will celebrate the upcoming leap year.
The cigar is a Honduran puro that is being released in a 6 x 52 toro vitola and will feature tobaccos not previously used in Alec Bradley’s portfolio or the two previous cigars created by Alec & Bradley Rubin: Blind Faith in 2018 and Gatekeeper, a cigar made with Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr., which came out in Sept. 2019.
In a press release, the cigar was described as being “flavor-forward and bright on the palate, offering an atypical profile not commonly seen from the renowned Raíces Cubanas facility.”
“While the concept of this cigar—being released on Leap Day—is super cool, what I am most excited about is the cigar itself,” said Eric Guttormson, owner of Cigar Dojo, via a press release. “Alec & Bradley brought out some unique tobacco for this blend that the Dojo team really fell in love with.”
Uru Doshi will be packaged in soft bundles of 10 cigars, and like many of Cigar Dojo’s release, draws on Japanese culture and will feature a traditional style of artwork. Uru-doshi is the Japanese term for the leap year, which occurs once every four years as a result of Earth completing 365.25 revolutions around the sun in the Gregorian calendar year and thus needing an extra day every four years to keep calendars on track.
A total of 300 bundles are being released on Feb. 29 via Smoke Inn Cigars in south Florida. Pricing for the cigar has yet to be announced.
“Uru Doshi is Alec & Bradley’s most unique cigar to date,” said Bradley Rubin, co-founder of Alec & Bradley. “That’s why we wanted to release it with Cigar Dojo on Leap Year; giving their fans a special cigar that they can enjoy on a day that happens only once every four years.”
“I’m honored to have worked with my brother, Bradley and the Cigar Dojo crew on Uru Doshi,” added Alec Rubin. “This is a cigar that we are proud to put the Alec & Bradley name on and one that will speak to the Cigar Dojo community.”
Image courtesy of Cigar Dojo/Alec Bradley Cigar Co.