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Bill Introduced in Congress Would Ban Internet Cigar & E-Cigarette Sales, Flavored Tobacco

A new bill introduced in Congress would drastically change the U.S. federal government’s laws regarding tobacco products, most notably, banning the sale of cigars online…

Maine Legislator Introduces Bill to Create Cigar Lounges

A Maine state legislator has introduced a piece of legislation that would allow for cigar smokers to light up in their favorite cigar store. The…

Alachua County, Fla. Raises Tobacco Purchasing Age to 21

The minimum age to both purchase and possess tobacco and tobacco alternatives will be going to 21-years-old in Alachua County, Fla. after the county’s Board…

New York Governor Wants Tobacco Purchase Age Increased

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is calling for a statewide increase in the minimum age to purchase tobacco and tobacco alternative products, including a proposal to make…

Connecticut Congressman Seeks More Cigar Bars

A Connecticut state congressman has filed a bill that seeks to allow for the expansion, change in location and establishment of tobacco bars in the…

North Dakota Senator Introduces Bill to Smoke in Cigar Bars (Update)

A North Dakota state senator is hoping to allow cigar smokers to light up in cigar bars in the state. Sen. Oley Larsen (R-Minot) has…

Thailand Adopting Plain Packaging in 2019

By September, all tobacco products sold in Thailand will be sold in plain packaging. Thailand will be the first Asian country to adopt plain packaging….

New Jersey Governor Signs Pro-Cigar Lounge Bill

A bill that will allow cigar bars and lounges in New Jersey to renew lapsed exemptions from the ban on indoor smoking under certain circumstances…

Berkeley, Calif. Moves to Ban Flavored Tobacco

The clamps continue to tighten on flavored tobacco sales, as the Berkeley City Council moved to advance a bill that would ban the sale of…

Hermosa Beach, Calif. Restricts Flavored Tobacco Sales, Creates Tobacco Retailer License

Some new tobacco retail regulations are coming to Hermosa Beach, Calif., as on Tuesday the city’s Board of Health approved restrictions on the sale of…

Cincinnati, Ohio Raises Tobacco Purchasing Age to 21

The Cincinnati City Council voted 5-3 in favor of raising the minimum age to purchase tobacco in the city from 18 to 21-years-old. In addition, the…