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Flavored Tobacco

Tyngsboro, Mass. Prohibits Smoking in Tobacco Shops, Updates Tobacco Rules

The town of Tyngsboro, Mass. has a number of updates to its tobacco policy, including one that no longer lets people light up in a tobacco…

St. Paul, Minn. Passes New Flavored Tobacco Restrictions

Last night, the St. Paul city council voted to prohibit the sale of flavored tobacco at most retail stores. While the ban will not likely…

Somerville, Mass. Raising Minimum Tobacco Purchasing Age, Passes Tobacco Restrictions & Smoking Ban

A new year, another city in Massachusetts where you will need to be at least 21-years-old to purchase tobacco. The Somerville Board of Health passed changes that…

Yolo County, Calif. Announces Plan to Restrict Tobacco

The Yolo County Board of Supervisors has announced plans to make several changes to its tobacco policy, including capping the number of tobacco retailers and banning…

Norwell, Mass. Approves Increase to Tobacco Purchase Age

The city-by-city march to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products to 21 in Massachusetts took another step forward this week, as the Norwell…

Boston Votes to Raise Tobacco Purchase Age to 21

In a unanimous vote on Thursday night, the Boston Public Health Commission decided to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21-years-old,…

Boston Mayor Wants Tobacco Age Increased

The movement to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products in Massachusetts seems to have finally reached its biggest city, as Boston mayor Martin J….

Cleveland, Ohio Considering Tobacco Purchase Age Increase, Flavored Tobacco Regulations

In the coming weeks, the Cleveland City Council will consider a number of tobacco-related proposals that could have widespread effects in Ohio’s second largest city….

Manhattan Beach, Calif. Gives Initial Approval to Tobacco Retailer Licensing Requirement

All tobacco retailers in the southern California city of Manhattan Beach will likely have to get an additional license to do business, as the city…

St. Paul, Minn. Proposes Minimum Pricing for Cigars

While new legislation being proposed in St. Paul, Minn. is centered around keeping flavored tobacco out of the hands of children, the city is also…

El Cerrito, Calif. Passes Tobacco Retailer Restrictions

It’s been an anti-tobacco 18 months for the city of El Cerrito, Calif., and this week tobacco retailers took yet another hit as the city…