Cigar Industry Files Appeal in D.C. FDA Lawsuit
As expected, the cigar industry has filed an appeal in the central lawsuit over FDA’s regulation of premium cigars. Earlier this week, attorneys for the Cigar…
Formal Request for FDA HPHC Testing Delay Expected This Month
Last week, the two sides of the main lawsuit over the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) cigar regulations gave a status update on where…
Cigar Rights of America Sends Letter to 50 Governors Regarding FDA Regulation
Cigar Rights of America, one of the nation’s three largest cigar trade groups, has sent a letter to each of the 50 states governors, informing…
FDA Cigar Lawsuit Delayed Due to Government Shutdown
Anyone hoping for updates in the lawsuit involving three cigar trade groups and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) will have to wait until…
Senate Bill to Exempt Premium Cigars from FDA Regulation Reintroduced (Update)
A bill that would exempt premium cigars from regulation by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has been reintroduced by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla….
Court Filing: Cigar Industry Asks FDA to Delay HPHC Testing Deadline
For those wondering the status of the cigar industry’s lawsuit against FDA, not much has happened since the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) agreed…
21 Senators Send Letter Urging FDA to Ban Flavored Tobacco, Menthol
Last month, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it would seek a ban on flavored tobacco—including flavored cigars—and menthol in tobacco products…
FDA Plans Flavored Cigar, Menthol Cigarette Ban
As expected this week, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) announced sweeping regulation to the e-cigarette and vaping industry, but in doing so it…
FDA Hints at Flavored Cigar Ban
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) would like to ban flavored cigars. As part of the agency’s most recent Unified Agenda of Regulations, FDA…
FDA Cigar User Fees Top 5 Cents for FY 2019
The federally-mandated user fees that cigar companies are required to pay to fund the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) tobacco regulation will be increasing…
Texas Court Denies Appeal of Decision to Merge FDA Cigar Cases
Earlier this month, a federal court in Texas abruptly changed an earlier decision and opted to move a lawsuit regarding the U.S. Food & Drug…