Ventura Cigar Co. has acquired Cuban Cigar Factory, a San Diego-based brand of cigars.
Cuban Cigar Factory opened in 1995 and has included a variety of retail storefronts, as well as the cigar brand. The two businesses are now separate and Ventura acquired only the brands.
The company’s brands include Tradicionales, La Palma de Oro, Maestro, Vanilla Sweets and Vintage. Ventura will rebrand these items, with rebranded products set to arrive in early 2018.
“We’re always looking for those hidden gems, there are amazing cigar-makers out there, but without distribution, they go largely undiscovered,” said Mark Cassar, ceo of Kretek International, parent of Ventura Cigar Co. :We’re pleased to play an integral part in bringing new experiences and expertise to our customers, along with the traditions of exploring and savoring unique blends.”
Terms of the deal were not announced.