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Vaughn Boyd and SWI-DE LLC D/B/A Drew Estate v. Deadwood Tobacco Company

Rebranded Asylum 867 Heads to Stores

The cigars formerly known as “Deadwood Tobacco Co. Chasing the Dragon” are returning to stores with new names and new looks.

Asylum 867 Packaging Unveiled

The cigars formerly known as “Deadwood Tobacco Co. Chasing the Dragon” are getting new packaging. Last week, Drew Estate and Vaugh Boyd, the former owner of Deadwood Tobacco Co., filed a federal lawsuit against the South Dakota store arguing that these cigars violated a 2016 licensing agreement.

Drew Estate, Vaughn Boyd File Lawsuit Against Deadwood Tobacco Co. Over “Deadwood” Name

Earlier today, Asylum announced that it was changing the name of the alleged infringing cigars to Asylum 867.