Foundation Cigar Co. Rebrands Metapa as Aksum
The new name reflects a deeper connection to the brand’s inspiration—the Ark of the Covenant—and its symbolic journey
Metapa Claro Corona Gorda
The blend was created to honor the noted Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío.
Foundation Begins Shipping Metapa
The new regular production line marks the first time that Foundation has incorporated Ecuadorian Sumatra tobacco into a blend.
PCA 2023: Foundation Cigar Co.
The plethora of PCA releases from the company this year include a cigar commemorating a notable honor that Melillo was awarded last year by the Crown Council of Ethiopia and a cigar named after a famous Nicaraguan poet.
Foundation’s Metapa Debuting at PCA 2023
The new line is a tribute to Rubén Darío, the famed Nicaraguan poet.