What do you know, they asked me back!

Probably out of pity.

And the convenience of fetched victuals.

It’s the first day of the show, which means I’m uncrippling myself from a year without WordPress. Our booth this year is in a borderline rustic location on the edge of the smoky zone. To call it peripheral would be generous.

This morning, Danny Aiello (I mean Nicholas Melillo) stopped by for an interview. He took one look at my Regatta de Blanc t-shirt and said, Don’t Stand So Close To Me! I apologized (sorry, sir) and walked slightly beet-faced and blatantly slow-witted out of the booth. Too late did it occur to me that Melillo’s phobia about my closeness was actually a good-natured quip. Wrong album, but still. My self-esteem plummeted.

I have Grammarly installed on the computer this year, which I wouldn’t mind so much if the thing didn’t hover over my sentences like a grim peeper. Every stylish crack I try to make, the program tries to bandage like a sore. My stuff may well be unhealthy, cracked, even crazed, but damn it, that’s how I like it. Is life not, in its highest form, a fertile distortion of reality? Anyway, I pray I can dupe the stakeout a few times this week, even if I have to work harder to shake the tail.

The lunch, The lunch! Stella!


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Kyle Ferrer

A recent graduate of Wake Forest University, I came to halfwheel via a previous WFU editorial assistant, Heather Haertel. In the fall, I am returning to Wake Forest to pursue a masters in English literature. As you might have guessed, I am a reader—mostly of British and American Romanticism, which means the works of Wordsworth, Emerson, Whitman and others. I also watch a boatload of 70s movies, some men's tennis, and have an aspiring blog called wagingpages.com, where I write about whatever cultural notion pops into my head. I value highly the maxim that art is long and life is short.