On July 31, father’s day is celebrated in the Dominican Republic and now Chogüí Cigars has a cigar planned for the occasion.
It is known as Papa Chogüí, a Dominican puro made from tobacco sourced from Leo Reyes. Papa Chogüí is a single 5 1/4 x 46 priced at $9 per cigar and packaged in soft bundles of 10.
Victor Nicolás of Chogüí told halfwheel that the cigars were rolled in 2014 and a total of 8,000 cigars were made. They will ship by the end of the month with the distribution split between the Dominican Republic and the U.S.
Chogüí is distributed by Pospiech Inc. in the U.S. Its cigars are produced at a still unnamed factory in Tamboril, Dominican Republic.