Battleground Cigar will offer consumers a unique taste from its latest cigar scheduled to be unveiled at the IPCPR Convention and Trade Show next week, as the filler of the company’s new Mysterioso cigar includes a touch of authentic Louisiana Perique tobacco.
Perique is a type of tobacco grown in Saint James Parish, Louisiana and is known for offering its powerful and strong profile but also for a sweet and fruity aroma. While there are records of tobacco being grown in the area as far back as the mid 1700s, it was a farmer named Pierre Chenet who is considered to be the inventor of Perique through a pressure-fermentation technique in 1824.
The Battleground Cigar Mysterioso is made in the Dominican Republic with a dark Brazilian wrapper that sits on top of a blend of tobaccos from central and South America, as well as the Louisiana Perique. The company is billing it as a medium to full bodied cigar.
It will be available in two sizes, both coming in eight-count boxes with the cigars in glass tubes. The 5 x 54 robusto is priced at $9.95 per cigar, while the 6 1/4 x 52 Torpedo is $10.95.
If the Mysterioso name sounds familiar, it is for good reason, as La Flor Dominicana used it on a 2013 holiday release called the La Flor Dominicana Mysterioso Collector’s 2013. In February, La Flor Dominicana announced that the cigar would return in 2014 though with a few small changes. The Mysterioso trademark is owned by Connecticut Valley Tobacconist LLC, which appears to be the parent company of Battleground Cigars.