The merits of aging cigars have long been debated, but now Maya Selva Cigars is offering consumers the chance to smoke a cigar aged for 10 years with a much more recently-rolled version of that same cigar.
The cigar is the Flor de Selva No. 15, which uses a Honduran Connecticut wrapper, a binder from Honduras’ Jamastran region, and fillers from Honduras, rolled into a 5 1/2 x 54 belicoso vitola. The cigars are packaged in a 20-count box, with 10 that were rolled in 2012, and ten more that were rolled in 2022. The company encourages consumers to smoke the two cigars at the same time to discover how the tobaccos have blended over time.
“Ten years ago, Maya Selva foresaw a market for premium new world cigars and producers that would guarantee the aging process of their brands,” the company wrote in a press release. “In the spirit of this thought, we set aside thousands of cigars from a variety of vitolas and stored them in our warehouse. Each vitola in its own space under carefully controlled conditions of temperature, humidity, and light.”
The two cigars also wear different banding; the vintage version wears a black-and-red foot band, while the newer version wears the line’s current bands.
The Flor de Selva No. 15 2012-2022 will only be available to retailers in the United States, and will begin shipping in September. Pricing is set at $395 per box, which includes ten of both vintages of cigars, and $39.50 for one cigar from each vintage.
Images courtesy of Maya Selva Cigars.