German cigar smokers will soon begin to see Kafie 1901 Cigars on store shelves, as the company has secured distribution in the country with PasionPuro.
The first shipment, which includes both the Kafie 1901 and San Jeronimo brands, is scheduled to arrive in the country on Friday, April 27, The agreement adds Germany to a growing list of nearly 20 countries in which Kafie has distribution agreements.
“We hope to introduce permanent lines that will gain traction and open the market for us,” said Dr. Gaby Kafie, adding that this new relationship helps bring him closer to his dream of creating a global brand that can be appreciated by all connoisseurs.
PasionPuro is a small team that enjoy cigars, wines, spirits, and other fine products, and takes great pride in finding some of the smallest cigar factories from the Americas in an effort to debut these extraordinary products to the European market. The focus is on establishing and building relationships with such manufacturers in an effort to bring new world cigars to the marketplace. In addition to Kafie 1901 Cigars, the company also distributes the Monte Pascoal brand in Germany.