Because language regarding grandfathered products specifies "in the United States"—no Cuban cigars will be grandfathered. As such, if the embargo were to end, Cuban cigars would have to apply as new products and would be subject to pre-approval before they could be sold.
Do the regulations affect my ability to bring Cuban cigars back from other countries?
Is the government going to make a special exemption for Cubans once the embargo ends?
There is no reason to believe this would happen and it would likely cause a lawsuit.
Does halfwheel think these regulations will encourage illegal Cuban cigars sales in the U.S.?
Perhaps, but not on a large scale. It might push some consumers who enjoyed non-Cuban limited editions to look into Cuban cigars. However, for a typical consumer who walks into a store to buy a few cigars at a time; this likely wouldn't change buying habits.
Last Updated: May 24, 2019.