As part of its holiday gifting season releases, Davidoff is bringing back the Aniversario No. 1 for a limited edition release.
The cigar, officially known as the Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition Collection, uses an Ecuadorian-grown Connecticut-seed wrapper, a binder from Ecuador, and Dominican piloto viso, San Vicente viso and San Vicente Mejorado viso in the filler. Davidoff lists the cigar as being a three out of five on its intensity scale, with herbal aromas complementing flavors of cedar and cream, along with citrus, fresh spice and roasted nuts.
It is offered in an 8 2/3 x 48 double corona vitola, which the company says offers a smoking time between two hours and two hours and 20 minutes. Pricing is set at $64 per cigar, and $640 for a box of 10 cigars, one of which is presented in a wooden tube that depicts and honors the vintage Aniversario design with a wreath. Production is limited to 6,500 boxes for the U.S. market.
The Davidoff Aniversario line debuted in 1986 to celebrate Zino Davidoff’s 80th birthday, though the No. 1 was discontinued in 2016 along with the No. 2, a 7 x 48 Churchill vitola.
The Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition Collection is scheduled to be in stores Oct. 12.
Images courtesy of Oettinger Davidoff AG.