The Cigar Association of America (CAA), a national trade organization of cigar manufacturers, importers and distributors as well as major suppliers to the industry.
Javier Estades, head of premium cigar manufacturer and marketer Tabacalera USA, has been elected chairman of the Cigar Association of America, Inc. at the organization’s recent annual conference in Palm Beach, Fla. CAA is a national trade organization of retailers and manufacturers that was originally established in New York City in 1937 as Cigar Manufacturers of America, though CAA’s roots date to predecessor organizations prior to 1900.
As the head of Tabacalera USA, which is part of Imperial Tobacco Group, Estades oversees the Fort Lauderdale-based premium cigar division Altadis U.S.A., the manufacturer and marketer of such classic hand-made cigars as Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta and VegaFina. He also is responsible for the North Carolina-based 800-JR Cigar and its affiliates. JR Cigar is one of the nation’s largest premium cigar wholesale and retail businesses, featuring retail stores, upscale cigar lounges and a major online business.
Estades joined Imperial’s premium cigar operations in the U.S. in 2011. In addition to his work at Imperial, Estades has worked with such fast-moving consumer goods companies as HJ Heinz and Bristol Myers-Squibb.
Estates replaces Dan Carr as chairman. Carr is the former president of General Cigar Co.