Royal Agio Cigars has begun shipping its first cigar made by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr.
The Balmoral Serie Signaturas Dueto is a new line in what is expected to be a series of collaborations between the Dutch company and various cigar makers. It uses a Nicaraguan wrapper from Jalapa, a Nicaraguan binder from Estelí and fillers from Brazil and Nicaragua.
Five regular production sizes are being offered.
- Balmoral Serie Signaturas Dueto Robusto (5 x 50) — $9.75 (Boxes of 10, $97.50)
- Balmoral Serie Signaturas Dueto Ovación (5 1/2 x 50) — $10.25 (Boxes of 10, $102.50)
- Balmoral Serie Signaturas Dueto Gran Toro (6 x 50) — $10.50 (Boxes of 10, $105)
- Balmoral Serie Signaturas Dueto Gordo (6 x 60) — $12.50 (Boxes of 10, $125)
- Balmoral Serie Signaturas Dueto Churchill (7 x 49) — $11.50 (Boxes of 10, $115)
This is the last of the five new lines to ship that Royal Agio showed off at the 2018 IPCPR Convention & Trade Show.